The Recyclery teaches youth bicycle maintenance, riding safety, and environmental awareness.

Bike Club Collaborations
The Recyclery collaborates with local schools to run after school programs. We have models for grades 4-5, grades 6-8, and high school. We currently partner with Gale Community Academy, Family Matters, Sullivan High School, and After School Matters.

Youth Open Shop
We run a special Open Shop time for youth 11-18 spring summer and fall. This is a peer-led program, with teens from our Sullivan High School bike club providing support for all local youth to get their bike servicing needs met. Youth Open Shop runs 3:15-5:15, mid March – mid November.

Gale First Grade Bike Day
Each year The Recyclery refurbishes bikes for all of the 1st graders at Gale Community Academy. In the spring, we hold a Bike Day, where after school all of the first graders are matched with bikes, and volunteers and older students help to teach beginners to ride a two-wheeler.